

ゆめみるけんりは、夏から秋にかけて「ゆめみるけんり vol.2」を製作します。あなたもゆめみるけんりに参加しませんか?



yumemirukanri is planning to produce the vol.2 of our zine "yumemirukenri" in summer to autumn this year. Why don't you join us?

If you are interested in writing (creating) something for our zine, plz contact us via e-mail: droit.de.yumemir#gmail.com [replace # with @ when you send].

The deadline for the submission of your material for the zine is August 1st (tue).
Thank you for sending us your material. We have 10 writers with us. Edit process is on going!



Cover designed by Tsugumi



・電子書籍版:Kindle Storeにて販売中です。300円。

Our zine "yumemirukenri 01" is now on sale. The issue is: Hiver / Neige.
E-book can be purchased on Amazon's Kindle Store  for approx. $3.00.
Also, printed ver. is available. You can purchase at book stores in Tokyo. See the page "How to purchase?".






Poetry is a knife, that is to tear the routine, and is a shelter, from the mutual hatred inside the rush-hour train, and is a space, that is for me to live in, it is a life, it is a dust, that is to be swept away, and is what is not that, an alternative to either / or, and is a flight, a thought toward the universe, and is a betweenness, between society and me, and is fragility, of words, of ourselves, and is certainty, that remains to the end, and is a right, in the speed of running subway, in the midst of the density in it, poetry is a right to dream.

ゆめみるけんり is an attempt to ensure our space for living from inside the society.

(工藤佯/Yoh Kudo)


MAKING OF②:団体口座とKDPアカウント

ここでは、ゆうちょ銀行団体口座と、Kindle Direct Publishing(KDP)アカウント設定の方法について書きます。


MAKING OF①:電子書籍のつくりかた

私たちゆめみるけんりは、Kindleでzine「ゆめみるけんり vol.1」を出版しました。ここでは、電子書籍のつくりかたを(ざっと)解説します。


・Kindle Direct Publishing(KDP)アカウント